Sunday, January 08, 2006


Jealosy is sinfully sweet. We cannot seem to get enough of it. I think that when you have been biten once, jealousy moves in for the kill. What I mean by that, is when you have been betrayed somehow, physically or mentally, when you lose trust in someone, jealousy moves in permanently. It brings in its toothbrush and takes the spare room. You hear it in there at night watching Leno. "Need anythin before I go to sleep?" it calls. "One last reminder of how weak you are???" I hate the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of being jealous.

You have to believe in yourself. Bit by bit, you have to believe in your goodness and your grace. You have to convince yourself of your worth, which is so great, it is not countable. You have to let go of your fears and worries and live a freer life. You have to get over being afraid of being alone. We are all alone; to find comfort in that will make you live longer. It's not that we don't WANT each other, but do we have to NEED each other so much? I think that is where the haze sets in. Needing makes the boat rock.

You WANT the right person; you NEED the wrong person. You want someone you can be alone with. Being alone together, that is the tricky part. That would be perfect really. There is an old sock for every old shoe. I believe that. If you don't trust someone, there is no point in being with them. If you are tied to someone else as you climb up the mountain, don't you have to trust them completely?? Why would you even bother climbing up in the first place if you didn't? You have to completely trust that they will not let you fall, period. See what I mean? Trust. It's a hard thing to win back once it's spoiled. Not trusting is mixed in with jealousy and fear, so make sure you have it all sorted out before you say the wrong thing.

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