Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dear Grasshopper: Postcards from New York

December 2005
Grasshopper: Sorry I didn't follow up with the call to you when I was in Denver. Hope that you are well. Talked to Fatty while I was in the mountains. I'm on the mend health wise. Weather is still holding out. You guys catch hell (ICE COLD) every month, no? Love Joseph

Jan 6, 2006
Grasshopper: I didn't call you back from Denver. Was in a totalling relaxed, devil may care mood. Talked to the Fat Girl (Brett). Gave me his new address etc. Watching USCL texas Rose Bowl game. I hate anything Texas.

Jan 31, 2006
Becca: Where is you girl? I'm well, in the rotten apple. Tell me about your new PM!!! Getting ready for Super Sunday. I know I know Pro Sports is Big Business & a huge male fantasy but I do have fun with it!

Jan 30, 2006
Heard about the transit strike here in the evil apple (NYC)? Well, the rank and file turned a rather good contract down. Now the draconian taylor law which says that NYC Municipal employees cannot strike is being applied. No union dues check offs, for every strike day we owe the city two, etc. But there are fine points, estoric and arcan legal ties that must be addressed. Stay tuned.

Feb 2006
You are indeed a very episodic and excentric woman. I dig you very much anyway, you see. Our Union turned down, what I though was a good conhtract which gave us health insurance after retirement for the first time. Will keep you posted. A new breeze in your country w/a conservative PM. WOW. Stay well Grasshopper......

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