Sunday, November 20, 2005

Have you ever made a mistake?

Tonight I attended the pre-competition of Grey Cup. Up for the challenge was Edmonton Eskimos & BC Lions, which turned out to be a totally tight game. The players played hard and fought for every single point, I was satisfied in the end because Edmonton will compete in my hometown Vancouver for the Cup.

Near the last quarter of the game, the passions were high in the bar I was in. There were some Vancouver fans at our table and another table close by had some hard-drinking Edmonton fans. The Eskimo fans started dancing around our table singing their drunken glory, and one Canuck fan received a slight touch on the face. There was a bit of a brawl there that night, and they were both asked to leave.

It's amazing what can happen at an escalated sporting event. That close to the Grey Cup and people can gain mob mentality, wanting the ultimate altogether. Alberta folks are passionate indeed.

Take care,

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