Sunday, April 02, 2006

Let's see what the Justice Critic will have to say

Dear Sue Barnes, MP:

Hello, I've recently enquired to my local MP regarding the construction of the new facility to hold individuals currently being held on Security Certificates without due process. Here is what his office had to say in regards to my inquiry:

"""Dear Ms. Bodo:Re: Email inquiry dated February 22, 2006

We have researched your inquiry about a new facility in Kingston to house individuals being held on security Certificates. Although you may already have them, attached are several news items obtained from the Library of Parliament.The facility is in response to a request by the Ontario Government and the location was selected by Corrections Canada.There is always a balancing act when it comes to National Security and there will always be disagreement on each side of the issue. Our Government will take both National Security and Human Rights seriously and work hard to get the balance right.Operational issues such as this would not come to a vote; even though the border issues could certainly be the subject of Parliamentary debate.Although you will not agree with what is taking place, I want to thank you for expressing your concerns.Your truly,Laurie Hawn, MPEdmonton Centre"""

My only question here is: What happened? My MP seems reluctant to represent my enquiry. He just assumes that I won't agree with what is taking place. What seems odd to me is that Corrections Canada will release a violent offender within 5 years, but foreigners only suspected of terrorism are locked up without due process without even question to the theory of Security Certificates. Since this falls under Corrections Canada, I am making an inquiry to you, the Justice Critic. Please advise. Thank you!
Rebecca Bodo

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