Saturday, January 13, 2007

All sides are controlling this madness

I sit here, cozy in my office chair (with back massager), relatively far away from any torture, war, americos, etc., but I am not far away from the slick propoganda campaign from the mainstream media here in Canada. One "incorrect" analysis of the current humantarian crisis in Solmalia, there has been no redress by the media. It seems to be a closed case with CTV at this point. Trust me, I've checked.

In fact, the Al-CIA "terrorism" that is going on in Somalia right now, is all because of oil. Under the Islam Union, the citizens were recieving social services and somehow moving ahead. Now the cia has used the Ethiopian military and has given the militia in Somalia more weapons to fight with. The secret war on terror has been been let out of the secret darkness. This issue needs more mainstream media attention.

Last week, at the funeral of the reluctant president Gerold Ford, everyone heard about GHWBush's comment and reaffirmation concerning the Warren Report (assassination of JFK). Have they really been keeping that secret all this time?? That's alot of lying to do, and for a long time to boot. I think this is all going to burst open this year. The human right complaints could overwhelm? hmmmmm

What I also see coming is GWBush getting impeached, being held up for all to see, then there will be the Dems to take over. Tough to say if GW's Reign of Terror would continue. There would have to be someone independent to run that gamet. Possibly an internet candidate to be elected next? God, I hope so, and we'll put him in a glass case during public appearances.

Who is at the end rope of this grand "War on Terror"? The pope's soldiers, the Illuminati. Please help take them back to their makers on Mars. thanx

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