Thursday, December 28, 2006

This War of Whatever we can fight.......more of my zany comments

To be a savvy Canadian, I have found some holes in our media's reporting that I felt the requirement to fill them in on. The current humanitarian crisis in Sumalia, caused by these so-called rebels labelled "terrorists", is a snake eating it's own tail. That snake? The Us government. Why snake? Hehehe...... guess who supplied all the $60 million weapons purchase for the "rebels" or "terrorists" to attack the struggling civilization in 2006?

The Sumalian civilization was 6 months into receiving social services from it's government prior to this so-called terror attack. The people were eating.

So I called the department at CTV, to gently nudge them into fair reporting. The operator assured me they would inform the editor.

I would recommend Googling "Somalia Weapons Purchases". The first and only entry down the first page? US Government. Scary to think the FBI & CIA as now running equally amok in their own adventures.

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