Saturday, December 31, 2005

Let's remember the good things

Dear Mrs. Parrish,

Thank you for being truthful about Canadian policy in our neighbors, the United States. Things are starting to come to a judicial halt down there, and thank you for your protection against Missle Defence media proposal. This issue was very clear for Canadians to make a decision regarding our US neighbors, and you could zoom into that attitude on national news stations immediately. Sure, it's not easy, but if you really stand up for what you believe in, regardless, our voice is not dead!
Thanks again,
Rebecca Bodo

Weddnesday, August 17, 2005 12:31 pm
Subject: Response
> Re: Web site comment > > > > You're a breath of fresh air, Rebecca. Thanks for writing with > such enthusiasm. > > > > Sincerely, > > > > Carolyn Parrish, MP > >

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The ability to VOTE!

Today my roommate received his Election Canada voting ticket in the mail, but I have yet to receive one. Why, you may ask, as it seems like I live to vote every 28 days! Geez, if you can figure that out, it means I direct my pissy anger and/or total affection at our elected officials when this time of the month occurs. Too much information, so let's stick to the issue at hand here.

I have since voted in 3 provinces: British Columbia (provincial & federal), Manitoba (municipal), Ontario (provincial). No big deal really, just call the number and they send you a ticket. I guess that could label me quite the non-Patriot.

This federal election, I am supporting our dear federal NDP party. Not only do I want my tax dollars going to the underdogs of society, I would like to hear some good ol'Canadian bitching about federal dollars going to ad agencies. If the government would stay the same as it currently is, I would also be satisfied. I would like to see the social policies of the NDP create an impact on our foreign policy, so I will vote for that specific change.

Although lots of criticisms have hit the Liberal government, I would like to maintain a balanced federal budget with surpluses and a clean/progressive human rights record.

May God be with us when we go to the polls.........


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Last Beautiful Rain

My best friend Tanya & I decided to brave the rain & hockey enthusiasts, and head down to the legendary Cambie Hotel for some good quality BC beer and some last minute cheer yesterday. We were well received with all sorts of ethnicities and cultures. I stood in line for beer with a few people from proud Alberta, due to the latest Calgary Flames victories. We were well intoxicated from the people, relentless drip-dropping of the rain outside and the beautiful pitchers of Graville Island blonde ale. In the end of the evening, we were busy in her kitchen cooking pork sausages, whole wheat bread and maple syrup.

This morning was rather unforgiving to Tanya, as she awoke at 7am to go to work for 9am. She arrived at the telemarketing call centre to find that noone had arrived at the office yet. Thirty minutes later, her supervisor arrived to hand her last weeks paycheque and told she didn't have to work today. Arriving home, we smoke some BC ganja, and head down to the payphone to make a call (Tanya's cell phone prices during the day are phenomenal) and the phone had a $1.25 credit on it. After a brief phone call to Andrew to make plans for tonight, we head to the Grind for coffee and a walk to Queen Elizabeth Park to admire the waterfall. Quite the walk up many bumps & hills in the drip-dropping relentlessly refreshing rain I wished for, we make it to the beautiful clearing.

I loved coming to this beautiful city I came from, and hope to do it again in the near future, possibly spring, when the rain forests of BC are at their prime. Goodbye Vancouver, you have yet to disappoint on any picturesque visit.

Thank you for your graciousness.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in the Rain

Well, it's come & gone. The shopping, the traveling, the eating, the drinking, and last but definitely not least is the annual Yuletide cable vs. satellite debate with my angst ridden older brother. Even though we are both in our 30s, debate is not a fair function with this particular right-wing Christian, it's a ruthless skill of wits. He takes his position on anything very seriously and you are at your own peril should you happen to disagree with this man. Anything else, I could care less about, but when it comes to the reputation of my employer Shaw, I have been "trained well" (as my brother would call it) and I do tend to get very involved.

His children are wonderful. Nicholas, age 4, is always ready to play with a smile/hug/kisses! Dorian loved the Pooh Bear I got him, as the 1 1/2 year old grabs the bear and gives him a full body hug. It's tough to keep Nicholas occupied. He likes to be loud, high pitched even, but I don't think I've ever met a 4 yr old boy that isn't loud! Anything from cards to cars will amuse him, but only for a few moments, then it's on to the next thing. Is that the secret? Keep going, keep going, keep going! Don't have any time to waste today, my good man!

My parents were very generous with me, and got a few things I could use. Got this cozy robe to cope with the hard reality of Prairie winters, and a good old fashioned pair of long johns. Well, again, I digress. Some things we worth the trouble, the annual Yuletide cable debate is definitely left pending for another year, I guess.

Merry Christmas & take care!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Tyler should teach "Dating for Dummies"

Here are some lessons for the dating impaired gentlemen out there that just can't seem to come up with some imaginative ways of dating their desire. Our first date? Comedy Club. He almost got us lost finding it, but with some patience, we were able to get there and get front row seats. I laughed so much that my smile lasted until 2 days later. Also, this gentleman will come right into my home and take the kitchen over with super-enthusiasm. I don't even need to go in there. If I need anything, he usually figures it out before I do and presents it to me in formidable fashion. Dining out is nice but it's even better at your house, and put some candles up.

Go for a drive............Just make sure she knows you care. A date every other day to a few times a week is worth the bother. Go to the mall and buy her something she likes.

Well, I digress. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Dedicated to the One & Only..........Diamond Tyler!

Amazing by George Michael

I was messed up when you came to me
Too broke up to fix says Daddy get your gun
I'm missing my baby
Still missing my baby
I was fished hooked by the hands of fate
Said, "how you gonna make it on your own"
If luck is a lady..................
Maybe luck is a lady

I was going down for the 3rd time
My heart was broken
Was not open to your suggestions
Had so many questions
That you just kissed away

Tell me........

I guess Cupid was in disguise
The way you walked in and changed my life
I think it's amazing
The way that love can set you free
Now I walk in the midday sun
I never thought that my saviour'd come
I think it's amazing

I think you're amazing!

You tried to save me from myself
Said, Darling kiss as many as you want
My love's still available
And I know you're insatiable
Well like victims of the same disease
Look at your Big Bad Daddy & your Mom
Your Mom
Is always acting crazy!

I was going down for the 3rd time
My heart was broken
I thought that loving you was out of the question
Then I saw my reflection
Said "Please don't let this go!"

Tell me......

I guess that Cupid was in disguise
The day you walked in and changed my life
I think it's amazing
The way that love can set you free
so now I walk in the midday sun
I never though that my savior'd come
I think it's amazing


Celebrate the love of the one you're with
Celebrate this life with you baby
I think we should celebrate

Don't put your love in chains baby
I think you're amazing

Celebrate the love of the one your with!
Miss & Love you Tyler,

Sunday, December 18, 2005

In a different city, in an old familiar Riding

If I were still living in the Port Moody, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam riding like I was last election, James Moore Conservative MP I would be voting for. Not only is James Moore the youngest member of Parliament, he was also the most proactive MP I have ever encountered.

In September 2003, I was on EI sick leave for 12 weeks. Not being able to afford to live in Toronto on $600/month, I traveled back to Vancouver to live with Mom&Dad. I phoned EI to let them know I would be transferring my EI claim to Vancouver and they said to let them know when I got there and the claim process of would begin. What they didn't tell me was that I was going to take 6 weeks to transfer my file.

I get to Vancouver, give EI a call to let them know I made good on my declaration and I was informed of this 6 week waiting period. I wa livid. Noone let me know! Everyday, I walked down to the HRDC building to find out if my file had arrived. Each day was a negatory, but I had nothing to lose! Kept telling them, "See ya tomorrow". This went on for approx.. 1.5 weeks, and when I was down to my last $50 I called James Moore MP. Told the office I was on sick leave and HRDC's elephant feet and I was reassured that they would find my file.

This was on a Wednesday morning @9:30am. Later that morning I received a phone call from HRDC thanking me for my patience, and letting me know that I could file my claim over the phone that evening.

This guy sticks up for the average person. I'm sure you'll do fine this next election, Mr Moore. I'm sorry I can't volunteer this time, but I believe in you.

Let me know if any of you reading this has any experience dealing with federal gov't MPs, good or bad, and let me know if you would like to have it posted on "". We need some history of MPs doing good for the average Joe.

Thanks Everyone,
Love Becca

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Quit slamming our Prime Minister, Mr. Wilkins

So Mr. Wilkins says the Liberals are using the US administration to scare the Canadian public. I'm sure there are some cross border policies that Mr. Martin is quite passionate about getting ironed out such as softwood lumber, beef and environment. Mr. Martin has actually never been about mincing words as he is quite direct.

Let's look at the history of the Canada-US relations over the last 2 years. We sort of got something worked out regarding Canadian cattle being sold over the border after the gates opened. We haven't done anything about the soft wood lumber dispute, and told Bush to go where the sun don't shine when he declared we should enter their repeatedly failed missile defense plan. Condi Rice came up here and told us to stop whining about the soft wood lumber dispute after years of failed negotiation. What friends we all are!

If being the States friends we must concede to their every demand, as Mr. Wilkins so eloquently puts it. Let's iron out the differences in our relations respectfully, with duty to all and much promise to the continent, maybe our love won't turn to dust.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Some strong political for thought

Your Hon. Anne McLellan,
In recent remarks from Prime Minister Paul Martin towards the U.S.A Administration have been right on the ball. The PM was deliberate in his analysis that the US wasn't interested in negotiation with the other G-8 nations in regards to climate control and chose to keep their technology to themselves.
It sure makes you guys look strong to be caring about public opinion.
Sincerely, Rebecca Bodo

Friday, December 09, 2005

Target the real problems please!

Your Hon. Anne McLellan,

In response to Prime Ministers' position on the gun registry and banning hand guns, this position is rather extreme. One one hand, the answer to the social problems associated with violent crime would not be solved by just banning hand guns. Responsible gun ownership requires that the owner register the gun with the federal government. The people that register hand guns generally are not out to shoot other people during a violent crime. The best antidote to solve social problems associated with violent crime is taking a look at why. Why are these people so desperate as to shoot innocents?

Please don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The gun registery should not be used to target responsible gun owerns with citizens that have already registered.

Rebecca Bodo

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Acknowledgement is received.....getting closer!

Dear Ms. Bodo,

On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the Canadians in Iraq and Same-sex marriage. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner. I have forwarded your message to Ms. McLellan so that she may respond directly to your message.

Again thank you for taking the time to bring your views to Ms. McLellan`s attention.


Kirsten Odynski

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Sunday, December 04, 2005

There are multitudes of perspectvies out there

Crime and punishment in Canada is not a very good area of conversation for the Liberal government as there have been quite a number of violent offenders out on parole. I'm sure the officers in charge are excellent people determined to make a difference in their communities. Stephan Harper's accusation that no other parties have concern for this topic is not correct. There are just unique perspectives & methods of how perform correct policing duties, depending on the party.

The NDP have the far left stance focused heavily on drug recovery after punishment has been served. I think this may be a more liberal stance than the Conservative viewpoint, one that I would be more in favor of personally. If our humanity can assist those with dependancies such as chemical drug behaviour, we may have something on our hands here and I don't wish for it to be blood thanks.

The Liberal record is ok, but not perfect. Last summer, the Liberals increased penalties for processing, making and trafficking crystal meth to bring them in line with drugs associated with cocaine and heroin. To my knowledge at the moment, there is no drug treatment plan in place for the aftermath of inprisonment.

I assure you, following up with a drug treatment plan will reap benefits. Learning what the cognitive behaviour patterns are, would ensure a lasting impression on an addict's life. It gets easier with practice and support to cope with a disablility.

This is the value I would be looking for when voting day is around.

Love'n'Tolerence People,