Monday, May 21, 2007

Let's bring the troops home, Canada

I would like to take a definite moment and be thankful the the BC3, has had their extradition hearing postponed to sometime later this year. I was very excited to be heading to the British Columbia Marijuana Bookstore for purchases of bamboo cardigans, and MEDICINAL t-shirts. Shortly after that 30 minute period, I was sitting in the vapor lounge for the very first time. No burning was going on, only vaporizing. Taking a pinch of weed, putting into a medium-sized nozzle, attaching to a vapor balloon nozzle and watch the bag receive more air. Amazingly, there are no carcinogetics, and the THC is simply vaporized. The medicine has been given directly.

I fully endorse the NDP, Green, or Marijuana Party to legalize our precious plant, and use it to fuel a nation of health care and preventative health maintenance. This would drastically reduce the cost of both industries, as we could promote a greater inclusiveness within our medical industry.

Another industry that would be very affected by marijuana distribution would be the pulp & paper industry. Hemp is so versatile, just like soy. Hemp oil produces full lubrication for any well built standardized vehicle or intestinal tract. Let's use fully renewable resources to promote the natural earth equilibrium. Hemp siding on houses! That would beat any Canadian winter with hemp insulation, brick exterior, and a large size purple plate under a hemp-gas heated hot water tank. Hemp & cannabis are the male/female species of one of the most versatile plants on the planet.

I would just like to say that I am very grateful for such a great experience in Vancouver, and very grateful the BC3 ( can live freely in Canada right now. I realize this is a better victory plan to wait for the timing of our federal government to have an election sometime this year, and a presidential one 1.5 years from now. The Internet may have an awesome chance of breaking the Pepsi & Coke parties of Liberal & Conserv influences that may occur. Already anyone can see that Ron Paul has gained in popularity by U.S. citizens all over the Internet. Except in the mainstream, Ron Paul the the current Internet American Hero. Ron Paul for President. That is what must be done. Ron Paul for President of the United States. For the People of the United States: President Ron Paul. Let's be grateful, Ron Paul and Jack Layton are still out there representing, the People.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Something to say to a heck of alot of people

Aids a a new world order myth. They give patients AZT,, causes the very symptoms of an opportunistic virus at large inside a body. The very drug they've never changed and have given since 1964, since the very idea of treatment that has never been questioned, is providing the symptoms of aids.

This dis-ease was created to isolate a given portion of the population: gays & iv drug users. This "treatment" of AZT is a substance that destroys DNA.

We are what we think about. Once people are stigmatized with the word aids, their lives becomes a downhill spiral. Somehow, the stigmatisation has been geared toward the gay communities and iv drug users.

If we can give this word the realistic attention it deserves, and focus on health and preserving our immune systems with local and organic produce. Let us trust & love somewhere in our lives. Then we can produce all the t-cells it takes to survive a century.

Do you EVER notice the feeling that you may get after drinking diet pop? The aspartame stays in you, and turns into methyl that we are unable to digest. Diet pop will poison you. Introduced from Don Rumsfield, 1981.

Be good to each other and encourage good things. We can overcome the rest of the nonsense when we focus on what we want.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Glory in the Highest

Thousands of things go right for you every day, beginning the moment you wake up. Through some magic you don’t fully understand, you’re still breathing and your heart is beating, even though you’ve been unconscious for many hours. The air is a mix of gases that’s just right for your body’s needs, as it was before you fell asleep.

You can see! Light of many colors floods into your eyes, registered by nerves that took God or evolution or some process millions of years to perfect. The interesting gift of these vivid hues comes to you courtesy of an unimaginably immense globe of fire, the sun, which continually detonates nuclear reactions in order to convert its body into light and heat and energy for your personal use.

Did you know that the sun is located at the precise distance from you to be of perfect service? If it were any closer, you’d fry, and if it were any further away, you’d freeze. Here’s another one of the sun’s benedictions: It appears to rise over the eastern horizon right on schedule every day, as it has since long before you were born.

Do you remember when you were born, by the way? It was a difficult miracle that involved many people who worked hard on your behalf. No less miraculous is the fact that you have continued to grow since then, with millions of new cells being born inside you to replace the old ones that die. All of this happens whether or not you ever think about it.

On this day, like almost every other, you have awoken inside a temperature-controlled shelter. You have a home! Your bed and pillow are soft and you’re covered by comfortable blankets. The electricity is turned on, as usual. Somehow, in ways you’re barely aware of, a massive power plant at an unknown distance from your home is transforming fuel into currents of electricity that reach you through mostly hidden conduits in the exact amounts you need, and all you have to do to control the flow is flick small switches with your fingers.

You can walk! Your legs work wonderfully well. Your heart circulates your blood all the way down to replenish the energy of the muscles in your feet and calves and thighs, and when the blood is depleted it finds its way back to your heart to be refreshed. This blessing recurs over and over again without stopping every hour of your life.

Your home is perhaps not a million-dollar palace, but it’s sturdy and gigantic compared to the typical domicile in every culture that has preceded you. The floors aren’t crumbling, and the walls and ceilings are holding up well, too. Doors open and close without trouble, and so do the windows. What skillful geniuses built this sanctuary for you? How and where did they learn their craft?

In your bathroom, the toilet is functioning perfectly, as are several other convenient devices. You have at your disposal soaps, creams, razors, clippers, tooth-cleaning accessories: a host of products that enhance your hygiene and appearance. You trust that unidentified scientists somewhere tested them to be sure they’re safe for you to use.

Amazingly, the water you need so much of comes out of your faucets in an even flow, with the volume you want, and either cold or hot as you desire. It’s pure and clean; you’re confident no parasites are lurking in it. There is someone somewhere making sure these boons will continue to arrive for you without interruption for as long as you require them.

Look at your hands. They’re astounding creations that allow you to carry out hundreds of tasks with great force and intricate grace. They relish the pleasure and privilege of touching thousands of different textures, and they’re beautiful.

In your closet are many clothes you like to wear. Who gathered the materials to make the fabrics they’re made of? Who imbued them with colors, and how did they do it? Who sewed them for you?

In your kitchen, appetizing food in secure packaging is waiting for you. Many people you’ve never met worked hard to grow it, process it, and get it to the store where you bought it. The bounty of tasty nourishment you get to choose from is unprecedented in the history of the world.Your many appliances are working flawlessly. Despite the fact that they feed on electricity, which could kill you instantly if you touched it directly, you feel no fear that you’re in danger. Why? Your faith in the people who invented, designed, and produced these machines is impressive.It’s as if there’s a benevolent conspiracy of unknown people that is tirelessly creating hundreds of useful things you like and need.

There’s more. Gravity is working exactly the way it always has, neither pulling on you with too much or too little force. How did that marvel ever come to be? By some prodigious, long-running accident? It doesn’t really matter, since it will continue to function with astounding efficiency whether or not you understand it.

Meanwhile, a trillion other elements of nature’s miraculous design are expressing themselves perfectly. Plants are growing, rivers are flowing, clouds are drifting, winds are blowing, animals are reproducing. The weather is an interesting blend of elements you’ve never before experienced in quite this combination. Though you may take it for granted, you relish the ever-shifting sensations of light and temperature as they interact with your body.

There’s more. You can smell odors and hear sounds and taste tastes, many of which are quite pleasing. You can think! You’re in possession of the extraordinary gift of self-awareness. You can feel feelings! Do you realize how improbably stupendous it is for you to have been blessed with that mysterious capacity? And get this: You can visualize an inexhaustible array of images, some of which represent things that don’t actually exist. How did you acquire this magical talent?

By some improbable series of coincidences or long-term divine plan, language has come into existence. Millions of people have collaborated for many centuries to cultivate a system for communication that you understand well. Speaking and reading give you great pleasure and a tremendous sense of power.

Love Becca

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Be a Hero to Someone Today

We are all mothers, fathers, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers, and don't forget the greats. I will I had a URL for my cousin Janice Brown's familytree, so I could find out how far back the Browns have gone in Canada. For some reason, the info is all very fuzzy for me. Maybe a written wish will suffice for now!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Be Generous

Be generous in your thoughts. Let the electricity slide from your brain, and allow to attract what that thought is. Every human being has the potential to create their lives and to allow good things in life. It's a cycle. The choice is all up to the individual thoughts.

Do I know how this mystery works? The fact is, I don't care how this law somehow works! The few previous posts regarding the 8 year old boy's release, was what attracted me to find out that our thoughts control our lives.

I didn't actually know, but I've always believed.

Love Becca

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Transferring into a Box!

No link yet, but I've just moved into a 1150 sq ft 1 bedroom apartment. Natural gas is included, so that is a big plus. Lots of hot water!!!hehe. Anyhow, going on my 4th month of not smoking now, and people don't believe me when I tell them how old I am. 34? NO WAY! I'll show you soon, with the digi camera I'm getting from Telus in the next few weeks. The precious 2 documented weeks of learning how to breathe on my own. I've lost a back tooth from smoking. I don't want to go back now.

Yep, got a place that has access to a a/c'd or heated indoor pool, depending on the weather. We have a new orange tiger kitty, whose name is Jack. He's 1.5 years old, and fully fixed. He's very talkative, social and curious. Just like his parents, too!

Life is much better at the new place. Ciao for now!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Wow! I've just recently learned about the power of attraction, and my wish came true! A Canadian boy Kevin Yourdkhani that was being held in a Texas prison has absolutely landed on Canadian ground this evening!!!

I'm not sure if I can take all responsibility, as there were several individuals that were contributing financially. All I did? Give the private prison a phone call, inquiring what the official statement was on the Canadian boy being held in the prison and be hung up on. After that, leave a really nasty message on the voice mail threatening to leak the story to the CBC. Then an official news release to the AP by the end of the week. Beautiful.

Now that they are about to enjoy a boisterous summer under the Toronto sun, I would just like to express my extreme gratitude for their freedom into Canada. So thankful, it's just so rewarding!!!


Monday, February 26, 2007

That little 9 year old boy

Today I performed a social experiment. I confronted a great, big bully that is controlling innocent people's lives. There is a 9 year old Canadian boy that is currently in detention at a private correctional facility in Texas, at no fault of his own. I heard him tell his entire story on, and tears fell for the obvious torture of forced displacement for such a young life.

Kevin was travelling on a non-stop flight from Tehran, Iran to Toronto, Canada. Apparently, there was a person that suffered a heart attack and the plane was forced to land in Puerto Rico. The plane was then searched by the american immigration officials at the airport, and Kevin's family was kept at the airport. The plane waited for 1 hour, then departed for Toronto.

Today, I had the satisfaction of inquiring to the legal department of, and ask for the official comment on this situation for a 9 year-old boy in detention on no charge. I was hung up on, and I promptly called back and left a message for an official comment on the voice mail. One hour later, my request was recommended via voice mail to contact the official government department that was conducting the contracting.

Tonight, Kevin spends another terrifying night sleeping next to a dank toilet apart from his family. I will call the government contact tomorrow morning, and attempt to get hung up on again. I'm hoping that my actions will quantify into something.

Peace :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

So they think an attack in Canada is imminent

Global media reported a couple days ago that an attack on Canada's oilfields is imminent because our oil is heading for the U.S. economy. Not only did this report come out of Ottawa, this rumour was generated whilst a Conservative gov't is currently in minority status within our Parliament. Last year, I attempted to complete my taxes, not before the new neocon Canadian's began taking 3 years taxes due from my bank account. Just taking it. Oh, well. I'm patient enough to know that what's fair will come out in the end. And I will see that day, trust me.

I would love to have an insentive as an 16-year old in this day&age, to purchase a hybrid vehicle, and have that be the first vehicle I would drive. Could anyone imagine that world? I'll tell you what: not so long as the Conservatives & Liberals are in power. It's just like Pepsi & Coke. But I don't want it. I want bloody Western Family, goddamnit. I want the ability to condemn these to parties and stand for NDP & The People That Have Decided To Think For Themselves And Not Give 2 Shits About What The Royals Think. thanks

Sunday, February 04, 2007

'Slowly Savoring Each Morsel' Bill Bartlett

It's 1:30 PM Wednesday, 1/31/07 and I've just gotten off the Staten Island ferry to take the Brooklyn bound R. The subway's closed, streets are blocked off, police cars everywhere. Oh God no! It can't... Then I remember Bush is in town. Alright I'll walk up a few blocks to the A. Beautiful day, happy to be alive in New York City, I love my job. Perfect time in life for a giant Snickers Bar. I hand a buck and a quarter to the newsstand guy. The thing’s still frozen. Usually I have no patience and break the frozen candy with my teeth. However, tens of thousands of dollars in recent dental bills for caps, crowns, bridges and god knows what else remind me vaguely of the Buddhist concept of slowly savoring each morsel. This is exactly what I'm doing as thirty or forty police motorcycles roar by. There he is, passing before my eyes on Broad Street. Even through the tinted glass I can see the smarmy, A. E. Newmanesque 'What me worry?' smirk. Instinctively I stick out the middle finger of both hands and stand there quietly moving my arms up and down.
Now, some of us spend entire lifetimes searching for and perhaps never finding, that perfect moment. Well all I can tell you is the taste of that slowly dissolving chocolate, the caramel, nuts and nougat, the sun shining down through the canyons, the half completed Times crossword under my arm and my absolute freedom to express my total contempt and disdain toward the leader of the free world...
God, I love this country.
-- Bill Bartlett, Director, Imagine Project

Friday, January 19, 2007

It's been kinda funny

My horoscope just told me that I can be true to myself this week and say what I think needs to be said. Ah.....starting a new job and reminding a trainer to treat people with respect when among company, in a very blunt manner. She then was immediately coached, and I was apologized to. Justice was swift for some reason.

I also intend on using this rare gift on another subject: Little Sister's Bookstore. The government declined to provide legal assistance to the struggling bookstore, which is resulting in it's closure. The bookstore was a cornerstone of gay & lesbian culture in Vancouver which housed thousands of gay & lesbian liturature of countless genres. There is an appeal for donations to the struggling bookstore. Let's make a change people!

Also, the news of Somalia has not been around sadly. As long as the impoverished malitias keep recieving weapons from the USA gov't. Anyone listening?

Okay, I'm officially a nag but all the news is spewing out lately is how great our troops are doing in Afganistan. Hardly objective, as I think bellglobemedia doesn't plan on objectivity as the cheap reality & news shows pass our view.

Well, I planted the seed. I hope I have done good, and generated some thinking out there.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

All sides are controlling this madness

I sit here, cozy in my office chair (with back massager), relatively far away from any torture, war, americos, etc., but I am not far away from the slick propoganda campaign from the mainstream media here in Canada. One "incorrect" analysis of the current humantarian crisis in Solmalia, there has been no redress by the media. It seems to be a closed case with CTV at this point. Trust me, I've checked.

In fact, the Al-CIA "terrorism" that is going on in Somalia right now, is all because of oil. Under the Islam Union, the citizens were recieving social services and somehow moving ahead. Now the cia has used the Ethiopian military and has given the militia in Somalia more weapons to fight with. The secret war on terror has been been let out of the secret darkness. This issue needs more mainstream media attention.

Last week, at the funeral of the reluctant president Gerold Ford, everyone heard about GHWBush's comment and reaffirmation concerning the Warren Report (assassination of JFK). Have they really been keeping that secret all this time?? That's alot of lying to do, and for a long time to boot. I think this is all going to burst open this year. The human right complaints could overwhelm? hmmmmm

What I also see coming is GWBush getting impeached, being held up for all to see, then there will be the Dems to take over. Tough to say if GW's Reign of Terror would continue. There would have to be someone independent to run that gamet. Possibly an internet candidate to be elected next? God, I hope so, and we'll put him in a glass case during public appearances.

Who is at the end rope of this grand "War on Terror"? The pope's soldiers, the Illuminati. Please help take them back to their makers on Mars. thanx