Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in the Rain

Well, it's come & gone. The shopping, the traveling, the eating, the drinking, and last but definitely not least is the annual Yuletide cable vs. satellite debate with my angst ridden older brother. Even though we are both in our 30s, debate is not a fair function with this particular right-wing Christian, it's a ruthless skill of wits. He takes his position on anything very seriously and you are at your own peril should you happen to disagree with this man. Anything else, I could care less about, but when it comes to the reputation of my employer Shaw, I have been "trained well" (as my brother would call it) and I do tend to get very involved.

His children are wonderful. Nicholas, age 4, is always ready to play with a smile/hug/kisses! Dorian loved the Pooh Bear I got him, as the 1 1/2 year old grabs the bear and gives him a full body hug. It's tough to keep Nicholas occupied. He likes to be loud, high pitched even, but I don't think I've ever met a 4 yr old boy that isn't loud! Anything from cards to cars will amuse him, but only for a few moments, then it's on to the next thing. Is that the secret? Keep going, keep going, keep going! Don't have any time to waste today, my good man!

My parents were very generous with me, and got a few things I could use. Got this cozy robe to cope with the hard reality of Prairie winters, and a good old fashioned pair of long johns. Well, again, I digress. Some things we worth the trouble, the annual Yuletide cable debate is definitely left pending for another year, I guess.

Merry Christmas & take care!

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