Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Quit slamming our Prime Minister, Mr. Wilkins

So Mr. Wilkins says the Liberals are using the US administration to scare the Canadian public. I'm sure there are some cross border policies that Mr. Martin is quite passionate about getting ironed out such as softwood lumber, beef and environment. Mr. Martin has actually never been about mincing words as he is quite direct.

Let's look at the history of the Canada-US relations over the last 2 years. We sort of got something worked out regarding Canadian cattle being sold over the border after the gates opened. We haven't done anything about the soft wood lumber dispute, and told Bush to go where the sun don't shine when he declared we should enter their repeatedly failed missile defense plan. Condi Rice came up here and told us to stop whining about the soft wood lumber dispute after years of failed negotiation. What friends we all are!

If being the States friends we must concede to their every demand, as Mr. Wilkins so eloquently puts it. Let's iron out the differences in our relations respectfully, with duty to all and much promise to the continent, maybe our love won't turn to dust.


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