Sunday, December 04, 2005

There are multitudes of perspectvies out there

Crime and punishment in Canada is not a very good area of conversation for the Liberal government as there have been quite a number of violent offenders out on parole. I'm sure the officers in charge are excellent people determined to make a difference in their communities. Stephan Harper's accusation that no other parties have concern for this topic is not correct. There are just unique perspectives & methods of how perform correct policing duties, depending on the party.

The NDP have the far left stance focused heavily on drug recovery after punishment has been served. I think this may be a more liberal stance than the Conservative viewpoint, one that I would be more in favor of personally. If our humanity can assist those with dependancies such as chemical drug behaviour, we may have something on our hands here and I don't wish for it to be blood thanks.

The Liberal record is ok, but not perfect. Last summer, the Liberals increased penalties for processing, making and trafficking crystal meth to bring them in line with drugs associated with cocaine and heroin. To my knowledge at the moment, there is no drug treatment plan in place for the aftermath of inprisonment.

I assure you, following up with a drug treatment plan will reap benefits. Learning what the cognitive behaviour patterns are, would ensure a lasting impression on an addict's life. It gets easier with practice and support to cope with a disablility.

This is the value I would be looking for when voting day is around.

Love'n'Tolerence People,

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